Coincidentally, today marks our two year blog-iversary and the 300th post!
When we started our renovations in October 2010, I decided to start this blog for two reasons.
First, as a personal journal of our renovation experiences - we completed the kitchen renovation with only a handful of pictures and a convenient case of amnesia.
Second, so that we had something to share with all of our family and friends who were constantly asking for progress reports. It seemed much easier to simply write the story once (complete with pictures!) as opposed to having to repeat the same story every where we went. No offence - we
love that our family and friends are so interested in our renovation.
I figured I would get bored and stop blogging three months in... as happened to my spreadsheet keeping track of our renovation costs. I never dreamed I would write 300 posts. I never dreamed that I would get over 100 page views a day. I never dreamed I would have complete strangers following our renovation progress. We
love that so many are so interested in our renovation adventures and our other adventures.
At times I have dreamed that I could take the blog to the next level and eventually become a full time blogger but I know I am kidding myself - as the $14.57 earnings on my Google AdSense account would prove. This blog is nothing more than a personal journal that happens to be extremely public!
I find it hilarious that one of the highest hitting search phrases for the blog is "mahindra camper" - a silly truck mentioned in one of our
Annapurna Circuit posts! Absolutely nothing to do with our renovation!
Even worse... I was completely thrown aback when I noticed the phrase "bound and shaven" in the list of search phrases linking to the blog. At first I thought that it was the consequences of mentioning
Fifty Shades of Grey but actually it was due to another completely random photo from our time in
Delhi, India. I am sure I am going to regret mentioning this when the search hits skyrocket...
Thank you for following along over the past two years.
Here's to the next 300!
PS. Today also happens to be my brother's birthday... Happy Birthday Brian!